Monday 23 January 2012

Episode 3 - Why Billy, Why!?

Episode 3! Who knew? Also, I realise there is a bit of irregularity in releases. So from now on, it should (I say 'should') be on Monday at 12:00 GMT. :)

Anyway, this episode has Robots, Chickens, Tigers and Plastic Surgery. So click that button and join in!! :D

Sunday 15 January 2012

Episode 2 - Pants Protest

Episode 2!! This has all manners of good stuff. Interesting names, Zimbabwe, Religion and Money. Varied subjects indeed. Oh, and this one even has the chance for some audience participation. Good eh? :)

Friday 6 January 2012

Episode 1 - Delicate Sensibilities

The first episode of Vice Versa, covering French Men, Christmas Charts, Mountain Dew, Dogs and Dolphins. It's better than it sounds when you write it as a list. Promise. :)